
Links to External Veg Resources

Revised 2021 Jan 4

Science-Based Info for Vegans and Vegetarians

 www.nutritionfacts.org (Michael Greger MD)
 www.pcrm.org (Neal Barnard MD)

Vitamins and Minerals

 B12        Vegan? You need B12 supplement!    
 Vit D      Dark skin? Indoor job? Northern climate? Pandemic? 
            Dr John Campbell Second Vitamin D clinical trial
            Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Benefits of Vitamin D
 Magnesium  https://nutritionfacts.org/video/mineral-of-the-year-magnesium/
            3 Mechanisms for Magnesium Deficiency
 Zinc       https://nutritionfacts.org/video/vegetarian-zinc-requirements/
            Dr John Campbell COVID-19 and Zinc
 Vit C      https://nutritionfacts.org/video/what-is-the-optimal-vitamin-c-intake/
            Linus Pauling Preventing Illnesses and Diseases with Vitamin C

Find Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants

 Find Veg Restaurants   https://www.happycow.net/
 Vegan fast food        https://www.peta.org/living/food/chain-restaurants/

Find Vegan Booze

 Find vegan booze       http://www.barnivore.com/

Pesticides in Produce

 Most pesticides        https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/dirty-dozen.php
 Least pesticides       https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/clean-fifteen.php

Vegan Shopping

 Vegan Essentials       http://www.veganessentials.com      
 Food Fight             https://foodfightgrocery.com/

Lists of Vegan Products

 Plant-based List            monkeyandmekitchenadventures.com
 Vegan products in UK        https://veganuary.com/starter-kit/accidentally-vegan-products-uk/
 Accidentally vegan          https://vegancomfortfood.blogspot.ca/2007/01/accidentally-vegan.html
 Trader Joes vegan products  https://www.traderjoes.com/dietary-lists/vegan
 The Derm Review             https://thedermreview.com/cruelty-free-skincare-and-more/

Other Veg Resources

 Wikipedia Veganism        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veganism
 vegan.com                 https://vegan.com
 vegetarian resource group https://www.vrg.org/
 veggie boards             http://www.veggieboards.com
 Vegan Society             https://www.vegansociety.com/
 foodgawker                https://foodgawker.com/post/category/vegan/

USDA Nutrient Database

 Nutrient Database  Search Tool

Index of Recipes in Vegan Websites (by Photo)


Index of Recipes in Vegan Websites (by Keyword)


Index of Recipes in Printed Vegan Cookbooks (by Keyword)


Other Resources

Exercise Info

 BOOK                   Link
 ----                   ----
 The New Aerobics       https://www.cooperaerobics.com/Downloads/About/Aerobics-Points-System.aspx 